Collection and cataloguing notes dating 1917-18 and pertaining to the mammals collected on the American Museum Congo Expedition.

Lang and Chapin left for the (then) Belgium Congo in 1909, planning to only be two years. Their primary objectives were to collect specimens of the okapi, the short-necked forest giraffe, and the endangered northern white rhinoceros, C. simum cottoni. They eventually returned at the outbreak of WWI, with thousands of insect, bird, fish and mammal specimens, including many rhinoceros. 

American Museum of Natural History Digital Resources:

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Large Mammals Field Book no. 1: 1909

Large Mammals Field Book no. 2: 1911

Large Mammals Field Book no. 3: 1912

Large Mammals Field Book no. 4: 1913

Large Mammals Field Book no. 5: 1914

American Museum Congo Expedition (1909-1915)

Publications of the American Museum Congo Expedition (1909-1915)